

Hiring a property manager is an easy decision for landlords who
don’t want to worry about the day-to-day hassles of running a
租赁财产. 说到房主pg电子游戏下载app(HOA),

Typically, an HOA exists when a group of people buy properties
在一个有计划的发展中. hoa通常负责管理公寓和公寓
townhouses in gated communities or subdivisions, and membership
是强制性的. 居屋pg电子游戏下载app通常是由自愿的业主经营的
帮助管理社区的需要. 这些需求包括
everything from ensuring compliance with 社区 “rules”to routine

Using owner volunteers to manage an HOA seems like a no-brainer,
especially since it won’t place an extra financial burden on the
社区. 但是,取决于社区的规模和
number of 社区 needs, the demands can quickly get out of hand.

Small communities that consist of five or fewer residences may be
业主很容易管理. 显然,你的老板越多,
the more of everything there is to manage: bills, complaints,
法规、维护、收集问题等. 然而,即使在
small associations it can be difficult for owners to manage things
他们自己. It doesn’t take much for neighbors to feel uncomfortable
about serving as bill collectors and rule monitors for one another.

Because proper management can make or break a 社区, it’s
important to consider whether hiring a property management company
因为您的HOA值得投资. 问正确的问题
is one of the best ways to determine if it’s time for outside help.

How many buildings, properties, and amenities does the HOA manage?

There’s often more to consider than the number of residential units
居屋小组. Many planned communities include extras like parks, swimming
游泳池和健身设施. 这些设施是hoa的一部分
责任. 社区需要确保共享使用区域
well-maintained, safe, and covered by the required insurance to protect
业主及访客. 对于一群志愿者来说,这可能是很多的.


The number one problem volunteer organizations have is that they
依靠志愿者. 业主已按月缴付居屋服务费用.
For many, they may fill that is all they should be expected to do.
An HOA without an adequate number of participants often can’t even
vote on decisions like hiring a snow removal company, let alone

Do volunteers have the right skills and knowledge to properly manage the HOA?

Some communities have plenty of people willing to step up, but if
those eager volunteers don’t have the right expertise and abilities,
他们不可能完成很多事情. 不幸的是,很多工作
肥厚性骨关节病变与肺部转移 need to do requires some familiarity with laws, liability, and
基本的家庭和草坪维护. 当业主pg电子游戏下载app雇用承包商时
for work or needs to shop around for insurance policies, the owners
expect the board to make a sound decision that protects everyone and
在财务上有意义. 房主pg电子游戏下载app一个无知的选择可能会付出代价

If an HOA asks these questions and comes up with answers that
indicate a lack of either manpower or expertise, it’s probably
是时候寻求外界帮助了. 那是一家pg电子游戏下载app公司
公司真的能帮上忙. 不仅做pg电子游戏下载app公司
come equipped to take on the demands of any size HOA, they can also
节省业主的钱,担心,和偶尔的头痛. 看一看
at what property management companies can provide an HOA.

Discounts on services: Everybody wants to get more for less. 财产
management companies use their existing relationships to get lower

Financial management: 财产 management companies know how to
handle monthly collection of HOA fees, dues, and fines, create
and manage a yearly budget, establish and maintain a reserve
account, and develop long-term capital improvement plans.

Rule enforcement: It’s easier for a nameless company to remind
the fellow across the street that he needs to take down his Christmas
灯火通明,不如让邻居来做. pg电子游戏下载app
company can conduct regular inspections to ensure that owners are
in compliance and can also do all the follow up (including fines)

Legal representation: Most property management companies have a
船上有律师. 这意味着业主pg电子游戏下载app对合同具有代表权
disputes, delinquent account collection, and other legal issues

When an HOA decides that hiring a property management company is
the right thing to do, the next step is reviewing the HOA’s governing
documents to make sure there is no prohibition against hiring a
third-party to carry out some or all of the duties of the HOA. 后
that, it’s time to start looking for a reputable company to partner with.

The HOA should identify at least two or three property management
面试公司. 如果面试顺利,下一步
是进行背景调查. 最好还是和其他业主pg电子游戏下载app谈谈
都和公司合作过. 除了验证这一点
the property management company can fulfill the required duties,
it’s important to make sure they fit with the 社区’s values

Thoughtful consideration and due diligence are the keys to establish
a successful relationship with a property management company. 肥厚性骨关节病变与肺部转移
should take a good look at their responsibilities, qualifications,
and needs – then start the search for the perfect property mangement
匹配. 立即联系PMI了解更多信息!
