Spring in Broken Arrow Oklahoma

Spring in Broken Arrow Oklahoma
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2020年春季不仅不同于我们的pg电子游戏下载app业务,也不同于我们的断箭社区和世界历史上的任何其他年份. 正如大家所知,新冠肺炎疫情既带来了前所未有的问题,也带来了前所未有的机遇. For many, it has afforded people the opportunity to work from home. For many it has afforded people to return to some hobbies. For some it was more cooking and more family time at the dinner table. For others, 找时间做自己的爱好往往被搁置一边,因为生活的忙碌, people were able to re-engage with those hobbies again. 在我的社区里,每天散步和慢跑的人比我以前看到的要多! With that opportunity came some challenges too. 许多人成为他们孩子的老师,为每个学校学习新的平台, becoming great on zoom platforms. Seniors in high school had a unique senior year with proms canceled. Colleges sent their students homes and closed the dorms.  They watched lectures online.  Only essential employees were out in the community. This ranged from healthcare providers to grocery store clerks.   Zoom, Webex, Skype, and FaceTime all became a new norm. 人们意识到许多工作可以在舒适的家中远程安全地完成.  Have we found a better way to work in the midst of the crisis or pandemic? In some ways, maybe so.

There were some heartaches too. If a patient had to go to the hospital they had to make that journey alone. 有的葬礼只允许10人或更少的人参加,有的葬礼被取消或全部推迟. 在教堂聚会成为非法行为,任何十人以上的团体也是如此. 杂货店早早关门,这样他们就可以重新进货,对商店进行消毒和清洁,这是他们以前从未做过的. 这些商店还设立了“高级”营业时间,也就是营业的最初几个小时,这样这些早期被确定为最高风险年龄组的关键年龄组就可以在最安全的时间买到必需品. 谈到大流行,谁能不提到早期囤积卫生纸和洗手液的情况呢?这很快成为许多Facebook表情包的喜剧救济.

随着俄克拉荷马州和其他几个州的生活开始重新开放,我们的新常态已经改变. For example, the salons were the first to open but with significant changes. To go to a salon in Broken Arrow or Tulsa, there cannot be customers “hanging out” in the waiting room. 他们必须在车里等着,直到通知他们进来. 他们还必须在整个预约过程中戴着“口罩”. 这就提供了一个机会,让专业人士找到一个能包裹耳朵而不是头部的面具,这样他们就能最大限度地发挥自己的作用. 委员会还要求造型师戴口罩,并要求在每个客户之间进行广泛的清洁和消毒.

因为这次大流行持续的时间远远超过了我们任何人的预期,几乎使经济陷入瘫痪, Oklahoma was one of the first states to start returning to normal. This was determined to be the appropriate time as daily hospitalizations, new cases, 死亡人数每天都在被跟踪,这是很容易获得的,也是每个人最关心的. As the curve has flattened, 这些新的“交战规则”将如何导致曲线陡增或保持平稳,目前尚无定论. 我们PMI绿色国家的希望和祈祷是,在这次艰难的经历中,我们吸取了很多教训. 我们希望人们全年都能坚持洗手的好方法,尤其是在每年的流感季节. 我们也希望人们对生病有不同的看法,当人们发烧时,他们会觉得呆在家里很好. We had the opportunity to learn so many new ways of working at home, 我们希望这能成为一种新的正常行为,从而最大限度地减少所有疾病对他人的伤害. 我们希望这能帮助雇员和雇主处于有利地位,不仅增加他们对疾病传播的了解,还增加他们对如何将疾病传播风险降至最低的了解.

就PMI公司和PMI绿色国家而言,我们如何应对疫情是一个学习的过程. While the office stayed open during normal business hours, the doors were locked so that the exposure to people was limited. If a customer did need to come in, sanitizing doors, door knobs,  ink pens and anything shared was sanitized immediately. 我们早晚都打扫了办公室,以确保风险降到最低,不仅是为了保护我们自己,也是为了保护我们接触到的人.

PMI公司在主动沟通方面做得很好,我们可以分享最佳实践,并通过提出的问题进行头脑风暴. 公司帮助我们了解了小企业贷款,以及如何共同确保我们在保护业主资产的同时同情租户. 州颁布了一些关于滞纳金和驱逐的法律,我们很高兴地与租户和业主合作.

How we come out in this crisis will influence the generations to come. Lessons learned, 同理心的实践以及看到我们如何在这个关键时刻互相照顾将成为历史的标志,并将被讨论几个世纪. Today, on May 1, 2020年,我坐在当地的断箭地铁里,我在里面吃饭,因为这是一个多月来我第一次被允许做一些除了路边或外卖以外的事情. And I have missed those experiences! 这个伟大的国家坚韧不拔,我们相互依靠,在这场大流行中学习和成长. 我们PMI大家庭祝您在这动荡的时期保持健康,在经济上恢复健康.
